Online Personal Training

Keep scrolling and learn the benefits of taking your training online.

Save Money

You work hard for your money. Online personal training will see you smashing your fitness goals and keeping more of that cash in your account.

With plans starting at £10 per week and free introductory consultations, you can imagine how much you’re saving over traditional face-to-face coaching.

Train from Anywhere!

The internet connects the whole world. Chances are you’re viewing this website from outside the Merthyr Tydfil area where I’m based. Well, with online training that doesn’t make a tad of difference.

You can train in the Bahamas, Dubai, Los Angeles, or your own backyard.


Not in the “touch your toes” sense of flexibility, although I can train you for that as well.

Online personal training doesn’t involve booking dates and times for your sessions. Rock up to your local gym at whatever time works for you, armed and ready with your tailor-made programme from yours truly. Your fitness is your journey and online training puts you in the driver’s seat.

Choose Who You Train With

If you’re too shy for face-to-face training and being watched as you train, I completely understand.

Online training gives you the option of choosing who you train with. This means that you can train on your own, but exercise is always more fun and a lot safer with a training buddy to spot you, motivate you during the session and just have a chat with.

You’ll still get professional-grade feedback on your lifting technique by sending me videos of your lifts after each session. Combine this video analysis with effective communication and we will be well on track to smashing your fitness goals just as fast as face-to-face training.

What are you waiting for?

If online training seems up your street now, get a free introductory consultation with me. This is a totally optional 30-minute video call to further discuss the specifics of your training needs. You don’t have to buy anything before this.

Get in touch to arrange your consultation.